Sunday, May 25, 2008

Aquarium Fun

At the aquarium, I saw all sorts of ocean favorite was the sea otter!
Time out to snuggle with Mommy...
and play elevator up!
my new favorite thing to with my tongue...

my other new favorite thing to do...push my own stroller....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hotel room hijinks

Emilia loved exploring every detail of our hotel room...she crawled around the room poking, prodding and touching everything!
Working up a thirst, she decides to try the courtesy water.

Here's a video of her playing chase mommy and daddy.

Roadtrippin' to Monterey

Starting the trip with a smile and a hug...
Need the shades for the glare, but I don't like to wear them...
Mommy insists I wear my sunglasses on the trip...see the straitjacket hold?Crashed with my snuggly blankie...stay tuned for more stories from the road.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A day at Lake Temescal

Duckies go "quack" "quack" "quack" - I'm learning all about duckies...
I love being outdoors and free to crawl all over the grass!
What do birdies do?? I try to whistle when I see birds. It's very exciting for me.
I don't really like to wear my hat, but sometimes Mommy can keep me distracted enough to leave it on so I don't get a sunburn.

Hanging out with Mommy on a beautiful Sunday.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sarah's Party at Encore!

Today I went to Sarah's 4th birthday party at Encore! I learned about ropes...
about mats...
about tunnels...
and I loved watching all of the kids run through their obstacle courses!
Happy Birthday Sarah!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My new musical chair!

Madison gave me her musical chair and it's my new favorite toy! I don't like to sit in it though - I like to climb on it and dance to the music instead.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wow...we are on the number 10 now!

Emilia turned 10 months old today. She surprises us every day with her new discoveries. Here you can see her showing off her newest moves. She loves music!
You can see she is very active. Not only does she seem fearless in trying to take baby steps, but she also has begun to explore climbing. Mommy and Daddy will be very busy!

Emilia's 5th tooth has arrived - one of her canines. She feels closer to Tucker now more than ever. She is learning to give kisses (besitos). It really is the cutest thing.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all Mommies out there!! Here I am playing with Mommy at the park after dinner with Nana. I love feeling the grass under my chubby little feet!

Mommy and me playing on the grass...I'm too busy picking the grass to pose for this shot.

Having dinner with Nana and Auntie Tammy. Mommy says I'm a well-behaved diner - well, most of the time. Sometimes I shout and throw my sippy cup. Mommy and bisabuelita Arse - she makes me happy!

Belita Patty took me for a stroll while Mommy and Daddy had their lunch.

Going down the slide with my Daddy!! Yippeee!!

Mommy, Nana and Auntie Tammy...this is after my sneak attack to try and steal my Nana's glasses.